

MyScreen combines presentation annotation tools with screen capture and manipulation tools
Latest version 3
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MyScreen 3 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
4301 KB
Review date
6 October 2005

Interact with your computer with MyScreen that converts your computer screen into a teacher, presenter and a learning tool.
This effective tool combines presentation annotation tools with screen capture and manipulation tools. Just with the click of your mouse or a shortcut key you can capture your screen and start adding comments to it. With the help of Arrow, Line, Double Line, Scrible, Caret, X, Oval, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, and Text tools mark up your screen any way you desire. You can use the marquee tool to zoom, move, print, email, and save any part of the screen. This tool also enhances screen capture and image customizing effects which is very important for onscreen presentations. To brighten or sharpen a dark or fuzzy digital photo or E-bay auction item just use this tool, click thrice and see the effects. Features such as Zoom, Crop, Clone, and Feather make your images more special than they were before.
MyScreen is a standalone software with a combination of unique features that makes it quickly accessible.